Estudar no Estrangeiro
Da Vinci

COURSE OF Philosophy and Politics

University of Stirling

University of Stirling (Stirling)



How are our minds related to our bodies? Do we really have free will? What is knowledge (as distinct from merely true belief) and what can we really know – about the world around us, about other people, or about ourselves? How can we be confident we know what is right and wrong, just and unjust? And what would it take to live a morally good life? You have just been posed some typical philosophical questions, and if you seriously want to search for the answers then this is the course for you. Our degree course will challenge you to develop a strong set of critical, imaginative and informed reasoning skills, and deepen your understanding of the nature of the human mind, of language, of morality and politics, of art, of science, and of logic. We offer breadth and variety in this course. Some modules focus on particular historical figures, allowing students to really get to grips with one famous philosopher’s ideas – and how subsequent generations have argued over those ideas. Thinkers whom we study in depth include Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Mill, Marx, Wittgenstein, and Heidegger. Other modules focus on specific philosophical topics, such as the theory of knowledge; logic; metaphysics; philosophy of mind; moral philosophy; philosophy of science; environmental ethics; and many more.

Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

Duration: 4 years

Study mode: Full-time

English language requirements: Obtain IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 minimum in each skill or equivalent. Details on equivalencies here

Qualification requirements: AABB (±16 PT)

Tuition fees: £1,820/year

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