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Da Vinci

COURSE OF French (Integrated Masters in Languages)

University of Southampton

University of Southampton (Southampton)



This Integrated Masters in Languages (MLang) leads to a full masters award and offers you the same choice and flexibility as the BA programmes, including a full year abroad. It also has the same funding options.
While studying a language already enhances your employment prospects, our programme builds a broader range of study and communication skills that are vital for succeeding in the world of work. You will learn to absorb, analyse and assess a wide variety of viewpoints, express arguments in oral and written form and to think and work independently and in cooperation with others. You will learn to do primary research yourself, applying a range of concepts and methods. Your specialities in intercultural communication, listening and language will be highly valued by employers. By successfully completing the MLang you will be in a strong position for future PhD study and an academic career.
Modern languages and linguistics at Southampton is ranked fifth in our subject area for the quality of our research (REF 2014). Many areas of linguistics are taught by world-leading experts and teaching and learning is supported by three research centres, Transnational Studies, Global Englishes and Applied Language Research.

Master of Languages - MLang

Duration: 4 years

Study mode: Full-time

Qualification requirements: AAA (±20 PT)

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